My Website
My Website

Howdy />

Welcome to my website!

I am a developer who likes to experiment with a bunch of technologies. Its super fun to jump from the embedded world, to the game design world, and to where I am currently. Web design has been an absolute rabbit hole that is constantly evolving. I am a masochist and I love being sliced to bits by being on the bleeding edge, hence my tech stack decisions.

The Plan

I don't really have much of a plan for this website. I do have some things that I want to do, like I want to change the home page to be Three.js based in the future (I'll update this post whenever that happens). I want to have 3D models that the user can interact with as soon as they see the site. I also want some chess functionality on the site, so I want to make a chessboard and have people be able to hook into an API my site exposes and play chess against each other in terms of bots. So I would have my own chess bots - I'll make one that runs in the browser, I'll make one that runs with JS, WASM, and a bunch of other languages. I kind of want chess bots to become my language project, something to get the hang of array operations HTTP requests and stuff like that. Then, I can make my bots fight against each other or have other people try to fight my bots using an API. So yeah, that'll be cool.
